Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bill Bartmann Billion Dollar Tip - How to Lose a Billion and Cope

Bill Bartmann is known as the billionaire nobody knows. His story began when he left home at the age of 14 and joined a street gang.

Bill Bartmann is known as the billionaire nobody knows. His story began when he left home at the age of 14 and joined a street gang. Being the smallest member, weighing 98 pounds did not stop him from picking fights with the big guys. Bill Bartmann still possesses great strength and determination today; a trait that has stuck with him throughout his many business ventures.

Bill Bartmann learned at a very young age that self-esteem plays a large role in your life and is a major key to success. Your self-image drives everything that you do; your self-image is linked to your self-esteem and self-confidence. According to Bill Bartmann, when you improve your self-esteem then improvements in your life will naturally follow.

What is Self-Esteem?

Esteem is to value highly, to have great regard for, to have a favorable opinion of, etc… To have high self-esteem is to have high regard for you, to like yourself, to have a favorable opinion of yourself. People with low self-esteem do not see themselves as being valuable; they do not feel in charge of their lives. They often feel left out, like outsiders, unimportant, as if they don’t matter.

Low Self-Esteem

There are two types of personalities shared by people with low self esteem. One is the type that always seems to be very negative, the under achiever, the one who says “I can’t.” The other is the one who seem to be a very confident, take charge type of person; they are often in positions of leadership, they are very opinionated and controlling. This type of person possesses several negative traits when things go wrong; they are very demanding and self-centered; they want to blame someone, eat them alive. Though they may appear to be very independent and self-sufficient, they really cannot take criticism or listen to instructions. Though they may be in a leadership position, they really are not true leaders. This type of person with low self-esteem will often deny that anything is wrong because they are in charge. They are actually hiding behind this attitude as their protection; when one is truly in charge of their life, they do not possess all the anger and irritation nor do they have the desire to control others.

High Self-Esteem

One who has a high self-esteem will take full responsibility for their own life, letting others make their own decisions and letting others be responsible for their own actions.

Those with high-self esteem are in charge of their own lives; they are not afraid to ask themselves what they could be doing wrong or what they could do to improve a situation. They take responsibility for what happens rather than try to blame someone else. When things go wrong, rather than say “I just don’t have enough money, I need a better job or if he did this or she didn’t do that, etc…” they brainstorm the situation, be creative, they ask themselves what they can do to change the situation. Those with true self-esteem value themselves; they say “I can do this, I can improve the situation, and I can make my life what I want it to be.”

Develop High Self-Esteem

Get in touch with your true self; be aware of who irritates you and who you can identify with. Be aware of the times when you are frustrated, depressed, discouraged, or out of control. Also be aware of the times when you are feeling confident, independent, and self-sufficient. You want to meet somewhere in the middle; be responsible for your life and your actions while allowing others in. Be self-sufficient; yet not opinionated and critical. Be open to the ideas of others but take responsibility for the choices you make.

Bill Bartmann has had his share of self-doubt and even times of depression; he wouldn’t be human otherwise. According to Bill Bartmann, when your self-esteem is strong and when you are clear about your core values, the things you stand for and what you are willing to compromise on, then you bounce back from the lows in life.

Bill Bartmann has had his share of ups and downs; and each time, he has bounced back just a little bit higher. Read Bill Bartmann's story about How to Lose a Billion.

Widely-acclaimed as America’s quintessential “rags to riches” billionaire, Bill Bartmann’s personal ethics and innovative thinking propelled him through a devastating series of personal and financial setbacks. His dynamic presentation will build your confidence and inspire you to overcome the obstacles in your path to achievement.


  1. Bill, thank you for this inspiring story. I am at a point where I need to be "open to the ideas of others". Sometimes we need to be inspired.

  2. This was an incredible story! Way to go Bill Bartmann!

  3. It is the inspirational story to face the ups and downs as well as other problems to walk in the path of achievement.
